Collecting Bad Debts

Collecting Bad Debts
About the product
Enlisting Eaztrade to help is a creative and effective way to receive the funds. Most of the time a debtor wants to pay back their debt, but may not be able to. Working together with a willing debtor is often a more adequate way to collect debts.

Encourage your debtor to join Eaztrade. The indebted company can then pay you back their debt with trade dollars. These trade dollars can be used to offset expenses that you may be currently paying for with cash, saving you time and money.

We will help the indebted company generate additional sales of their own product/service to the rest of the network of businesses in the barter exchange in order to generate enough trade dollars to pay the debt. They will not only get the new customers and generate additional revenue, but will be able to make whole on their accounts payable and maintain a positive relationship with their vendors. Now that is a win-win relationship for businesses.
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