Product Launches

About the product
How many times have you seen people dressed up in corporate colours, sometimes giving free food and making a loud noise outside a shopping centre? How effective were they at drawing your attention? After tasting their free food did you continue to buy it when you went back to the shops? Probably not.

A mistake may be the best thing you ever make, as long as you recover magnificently. We are giving you the opportunity to launch your products the proper way. Who is your target market? Are they attracted to noise and dancing girls? How long shall companies in Zimbabwe carry around their mistakes until they have the courage to let them go? In fact, right now, someone is doing a product launch and they are going to attract no one to their product.

Fans who generate the most word-of-mouth advertising for you are captured by unorthodox means. Talk to us before you waste more money on ineffective marketing programmes.
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