Questions & Answers for Zupco Southern Division - Bulawayo

Here you will find questions & answers for Zupco Southern Division. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or ZimbabweYP users.
Is there a straight bus from Gwanda to Harare, departure time and. Cost
Do you have a straight bus to Gokwe ,if so how much ?
How much is a bus trip from Bulawayo to Dete using your buses using these 3 modes ofpayment??
Ecocash, Cash and Tapcard
Why is it that some areas has more buses and kombis but us in nketa munyoro we have less. Tshova mubaiwa is dominating the route. Pliz we want action
Does the Gweru to Zvishavane route has a zupco bus and if so what is the current bus fare and the time table.
Does the gweru to zvishavane route has a zupco bus, and if so what is the bus fare.
Do you have adriver called Andrew CHIKURUHUWA at your bulawayo depot

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